People often ask me, “To what do you attribute your success as a serial entrepreneur?”
It is an interesting question. My husband and I have six companies/collaborative ventures between us. We are both serial entrepreneurs. And along the tumultuous road of the past 26 years, we have both learnt massive lessons.
But the three things that I attribute most to the success of some of our companies, alongside the hard-learned failures of joint ventures, are these…
I have found stepping into greater visibility this year both challenging and, at times, scary.
The old voices in my head kept taunting me: “Who do you think you are, to be so out there?”
“Why?” you might ask. “You seem to be seeking out such visibility?”
We all have backstories, and mine is that I grew up excruciatingly shy, almost ashamed to take up space. I was the plump, spotty one in a sporty, academic family. I often felt alien in a family of high achievers—both on the sports field and in the academic world.
Only 8% of people achieve their New Year’s resolutions and 92% of people fail to achieve their goals according to Forbes Magazine.
New Year’s resolutions often fail because they are rooted in excitement and past patterning rather than a sustainable strategy towards a new identity and lifestyle.
Let’s explore why I believe people struggle with New Year’s resolutions.