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Author | Speaker | Coach

Are you on a journey to actualize your highest self in your work, relationships, health and creativity?

Hi, I'm Alison.

A little of my story

Growing up as a young woman battling self-esteem issues, I became a political activist for fifteen years during the height of apartheid in South Africa. Working under many remarkable leaders in the Anti-Apartheid movement was pivotal in shaping my mission to live a life of contribution.

I went on to become a multi-award-winning entrepreneur, transformation coach, and philanthropist passionate about bridging economic, social, and cultural divides.

Still, it would take me sixty years to truly embrace my achievements, my identity, and tell my story. Today, I am a champion of Identity Intelligence, Belonging, Integrated Health, and Conscious Leadership.

“Alison’s skills as a Leadership Coach have earned her a spot on the Coach Foundation, one of the biggest names in the coaching industry.”

As a speaker, Alison is a conduit for growth and expansion.


Storyteller | keynote speaker

Alison crafts her messages with professionalism, with the intention to provide solutions and shifts, rather than just content.

Powerful storytellers, global speakers and thought leaders on the Mindvalley stage forever changed the trajectory of Alison’s life. She came to realize that she was primarily a storyteller with many stories to share.

Winning the 2021 Professional Speaking Association of Southern Africa (PSASA) Speaker Factor competition confirmed Alison’s belief that she had a calling to help others through the power of storytelling. Her keynote speeches focus on entrepreneurship, self-mastery, manifestation, the power of personal branding and visual storytelling, mindset, identity and belonging.

Alison writes from the heart; she writes about transformation; she writes about her lived experiences.


transformation | lived experiences | soul’s journey

Alison describes her journey to wholeness as being a long night of the soul, a long walk to freedom that has taught her some profound lessons. 

The older Alison becomes and the more thought leaders she is surrounded by, the less she feels she knows, but the more she knows about herself. She is an enthusiastic and constant student of growth. As the great leadership coach John C Maxwell says, ‘Growth precedes greatness’.

Belonging is about coming home to love, acceptance and inspiration.

This deeply personal account of a journey of self-discovery and personal growth tells of the emotional and physical transformation of a sensitive child who never felt ‘enough’.

Interesting parallels are made between Alison’s challenging journey, and the turbulent journey of South Africa to democracy.

We also meet the people who have shaped and continue to shape her growth. This beautifully written book aims to inspire you to become all that you can be.

Are you ready to uncover your courage and purpose to realize your full potential?


produce real, measurable results

Coaching can help us to understand the triggers of past programming and self-beliefs. By examining our past experiences, we can extract meaning and symbolism to provide direction and to create a world of new possibilities. 

Since she was 32 years old, Alison has been navigating a journey of personal development. Exposure to world-class speakers and thought leaders across a variety of fields at Mindvalley Global Summits has deepened and humbled her perspective. Alison now actively pursues the unique opportunity she has to share what she has learnt and to help individuals to grow, to make a difference and live their best lives.


Extracts of what others say


Updates on Alison's speaking, coaching and entrepreneurship.

A Tribute to Teams

People often ask me, “To what do you attribute your success as a serial entrepreneur?” It is an interesting question. My husband and I have

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On Visibility

I have found stepping into greater visibility this year both challenging and, at times, scary.The old voices in my head kept taunting me: “Who do

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New Book: Belonging - out now

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The Power of First Impressions

Your first impression matters! Discover how to show up with impact and make the world respond to your message. Download our FREE booklet now to unlock the secrets to unforgettable first impressions.