Blogs & Insights From Mama Gold

Bringing The Darkness into the Light During Mental Health Month
Mental Health, Entrepreneurship, Belonging Alison Weihe Mental Health, Entrepreneurship, Belonging Alison Weihe

Bringing The Darkness into the Light During Mental Health Month

The aim of declaring October as Mental Health Awareness Month is to educate the public about mental health and reduce the stigma and discrimination that people with mental illness often face.

Having grown up in a family challenged by bipolar and neurodiversity, I am keenly aware of how hard it can be.

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The Tale of Two Launches

The Tale of Two Launches

In the blue eyes of my own truth- telling, I had found the oceans of my healing. Finally confronting the sea of my memories buried deep in the ocean floor for so long. And so I surfaced from the ocean and I stepped into the light of the shore. Looking up at the majesty of Table Mountain - an iconic symbol of the world.

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Alison Weihe's free guide on The Power Of First Impressions